Oncoinvent will participate at the ESGO 2023 congress
Oncoinvent be represented by CMO, Dr. Kari Myren at the 2023 ESGO congress.
There will also be a mini oral presentation on the theme “First Experience With Intra-Abdominal 224Radium-Labelled Microparticles (Radspherin) After Cytoreductive Surgery For Peritoneal Metastasis In Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (Phase 1 Study)” by Dr. Els Van Nieuwenhuysen, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Organiser: ESGO - European Congress of Gynaecological OncologyVenue:
The congress venue is situated at the Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Türkiye
Date: 29 September 2023
Program: Program